Retail Alcohol Sales Challenge 25 - How to Refuse

Course code

Saying no to customers is never easy. But when it comes to alcohol sales, there\'s a hard and fast rule. Learn how to refuse alcohol with confidence and conviction.

What are the key benefits of this course?

  • When there\'s a duty to refuse to serve a customer and how to do this with good customer service.
  • How to check ID properly.
  • Why refusals to sell alcohol should be recorded.
  • How to recognise and manage fatigue in yourself and others.

This course will take around 15 minutes

There’s one product area fraught with issues if you don’t know what you’re doing - that’s selling alcohol. This course covers the essential and practical skills you need to manage those awkward situations when alcohol has to be refused.

You will learn:

  • when there's a duty to refuse to serve a customer and how to do this with good customer service
  • how to check ID properly
  • why refusals to sell alcohol should be recorded
  • how to recognise and manage fatigue in yourself and others
  • how to understand and act upon well-being issues
  • influencing and negotiation skills to create a safety culture
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Average Rating 5.00
Number of Reviews 13
Sub-sector Catering, Events
Business Outcomes Compliance, Sales, Service
Skills & Training Compliance
Jobs & Roles Retail colleague, Retail HOD/Store Manager
Course Authors Upskill People
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Why choose an Upskill People course?

  • Study in your own time using our interactive learning portal.
  • Works from any device.
  • All courses are written by industry experts.
  • Media-rich course videos.
  • Easy to implement skills and knowledge in real life.

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